Meet the team

Bizi Boyd-Hall - Trustee

Bizi began her career in ballet but found the competitive and appearance-focused nature of the field unfulfilling. Seeking an alternative, she discovered Chickenshed and became a volunteer in their inaugural outreach program, Haringey Shed. Bizi's fundraising efforts secured her position as the Company Manager, a role she held for 14 years, witnessing the growth of a team primarily composed of individuals who had grown up through their children's and youth theatre initiatives.

Relocating to Bucks due to starting a family meant leaving Shed behind, but a fortuitous encounter at a local training program led her to join Theatre Shed as a trustee. Despite being new to the role, Bizi carries with her a deep-rooted connection to the Shed family, believing that once a shedder, always a shedder.

Her extensive experience working with children, young adults, and parents in inclusive theatre has instilled in her a profound understanding of its immense impact. As a trustee, she feels honoured to continue supporting something extraordinary and life-changing for numerous young individuals, leveraging her years within the Shed community to offer insights and knowledge.

Balancing parenthood and her own business limit her ability to contribute as much as she desires, yet she remains optimistic about finding her niche within the company to offer comprehensive support. Her involvement serves as a reminder of the significance of community and the transformative power of passionate dedication.

For Bizi, the Theatre Shed's work is phenomenal, offering a local branch she can wholeheartedly support. She staunchly believes that everyone, especially young people, should be valued for their unique contributions, emphasising the life-changing impact this recognition can have on individuals.

In her view, Theatre Shed's work doesn't just create performances; it changes lives, echoing the sentiment that every individual has a crucial role to play and deserves to be acknowledged for their invaluable contribution.

Support Us

As an inclusive theatre company, we do not receive any formal funding, so we are reliant on fundraising and kind donations alongside our membership to keep providing this wonderful service. Find out about how you can volunteer and join the team as a mentor.