Make a donation.
Please support us by making regular contributions via monthly direct debit, or with a one-off donation.
Our Shedlight supporters are vital in helping us to continue the meaningful work we do by generously contributing monthly direct debit donations, starting at just £5 per month!
As a ‘Shedlight’ supporter, you will receive:
Entry into our monthly £100 CASH PRIZE DRAW
‘The Theatre Shed’ branded merchandise
The monthly cash prize is drawn in the middle of each month. You receive one entry for every £5 donation; giving those donating £10, £15, or £20 per month, a greater chance of winning.
Your donations are the lifeblood of our charity - Thank you!
Why we need your support
To enable us to provide a consistent, safe environment for our members to explore their sense of self, increase their confidence, improve their social skills and help them find their place in the world.
To ensure we can continue to provide high quality performing arts workshops every week, for our wide and diverse community of young people.
To help us raise young peoples’ aspirations and achieve their dreams.
To continue to plan future workshops for our members which would not be possible without the stability provided by foreseeable income.
To ensure we can continue to provide a truly inclusive and safe place for anyone and everyone. Many of our members find themselves unwelcome elsewhere.
To continue organising live events for our members - performing live has a profound impact on their self-esteem and all of our shows are devised by our members with original music.
To provide opportunities for external professionals to engage with our members and run workshops, thus widening the scope of their experience.
To increase staff hours, thus benefiting the planning and facilitation of workshops and productions.
To enable us to buy the necessary equipment to support the inclusion of our members with disabilities.
Our volunteers, mentors and fundraisers keep our organisation going. If you would like to help in any way, please click on the button below..